Note: If you decide to use the same name multiple times when recording more demos, be sure to not duplicate it exactly and add a variable to the name, cheaternoob1, cheaternoob2 cheaternoob3 etc. Type this in console and then press enter: If the player's alias is, cheaternoob and you want the demo file to be named cheaternoob,
Open console by pressing the ~ key to the left of the 1 key, type this in console and then press enter: Press your attack/fire key or mouse click to scroll through players until the player in question is selected.ģ. To record a demo join the server and go to spectator mode.
Run the game and select options and then, game options to make sure console is enabled.Ģ. First you need to make sure your console is enabled. Best way is to use the in game demo recording feature.ġ.
You can record an in game demo if you suspect a player may be cheating or using hacks and show it to our JAG team for review.